Careful kid you can put an eye out

I planned for this to be more detailed but I have been aching even more to get this version out for all the quality of life improvements that have been done. You can see the change log below and I will write a better article up later.

Alpha Change Log


  • Added Magic symbol and updated UI to have a little more detailing for it
  • Added label for writing out how much health the player has left and what their max health is
  • Added in 8-direction movement for the player
  • Added an icon for the player attack cooldown
  • Added Interaction Manger which helps fix the issue of having multiple items to pickup and walking away and then coming back to pick them up
  • Added buttons to switch between weapons
  • Added ability to interact with chests, opening and closing them (loot coming soon)
  • Added ranged attacks, you can now pelt rats with rocks from a distance


  • Changed how the transitions happen, using the interaction manager the transitions will now be objects in the world and not just part of the tilemap
  • Changed attack action - depending on weapon selected (pending actually changing weapons) they will have a reach for melee. If outside of range you will not swing
  • Changed player to face enemy they are attacking


  • Fixed events signals into the signal bus as well as global tracking of information eliminating redundant information storage that might cause future bugs
  • Player health UI wasn’t updating properly, rewrote and it should now be updating properly
  • Fixed a bug where pressing on something from the tilemap would cause a crash if you were in attack range
  • Rat tails were at 50% normal size. They have been resized to make them fit better with the rest of the environment

Files 21 MB
Sep 14, 2023

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